What Do you think about Camp Chef VS Pit Boss?
Pit Boss got started in 1990, and Camp Chef had its first launch in 1999. Pit Boss is highly appreciated for its durability and craftsmanship. In the same industry, Camp Chef is also one of the top-rated brands for portability and power.
Well, such great brands and sublime quality? No wonder you are agonizing over your choice! But worry no more since we are here to help. Now, let’s see what we have!
The Details Of Camp Chef VS Pit Boss
Camp Chef VS Pit Boss – You can never pick the right grills unless you know them well. So, now, let’s get started.
Pit Boss
Firstly, we will discuss the Pit Boss. Let’s focus on its price, performance, cooking space, and handy features.
Grills of Pit Boss are in five groups, including wood pellets, griddles, vertical smoke, charcoal, and gas. Their prices often range from $100 to $900. Each price level brings you useful features for specific demands.
In comparison with many other brands, Pit Boss offers an ideal warranty. After purchasing, you can enjoy a 5-year warranty for all parts of the grill.
Isn’t that great?
However, in cases, your grills get oxidized and rust out, the warranty will not be in effect.
Pit Boss grills enable users to cook at numerous temperature levels to get the desired food flavor and look. Furthermore, the body made of high-quality thick steel shows incredible durability after long-term usage.
Cooking space

Based on types of grills, suitable cooking space may be different.
As for a typical Pit Boss charcoal grill, you should leave it space around 700 square inches. On the other hand, the Ultimate line must stand in an area up to 2,100 square inches.
The gas grills seem to be more space-saving than the charcoal ones. For this type, we recommend a space between 200 and 1,000 square inches.
Handy features
To help you grill food effortlessly with great taste and look, Pit Boss designs its products with a lot of advanced features.
One of the most appreciative points is the digital system of temperature control. The dials, along with damper valves, make your cook easier than ever. Also, the thermometer will give you an accurate numeric display of temperature.
Besides, an auto-shutoff function is available for every Pit Boss grill. Both the meat probe and ash cleanout facility go with the devices, too. Moreover, an over-100-pound grill needs wheels for easy moving. So, the manufacturers add high-quality rubber wheels under the grills for the convenient moving.
Camp Chef
Next, we will give you some useful information about the second brand – Camp Chef. What is its difference compared with the former?
With Camp Chef, you can choose two types of grills. One is the woodwind grill, and the other is the flat-top grill.
In terms of prices, they will cost between $350 and $1,200 each. The more modern features the grill has, the more expensive it will be. So, choosing the best suitable grills for a budget-friendly price is your target.
Despite the considerable high price, Camp Chef only offers a warranty for only three years. The company warrants all defects regarding workmanship and materials except for paint.
With a Camp Chef grill, you can try other cooking methods such as baking and braising. Moreover, it comes with the non-stick coating for you to get delicious grilled meat.
Cooking space

In general, the common cooking space for Camp Chef grills is from 450 to 1250 square inches. It depends on which types of grill you choose.
For more detail, when the woodwind grill is your priority, you need a space between 500 to 1250 square inches. As for the flat-top grill, a narrower area of 450-900 square inches is our recommendation.
Handy features
Modern grills like Camp Chef cannot lack high technologies. The company includes WIFI temperature controller, app connection as well as smart smoking tech to aid your cooking process.
Both the WIFI PID system and app connection enable you to control the temperature easily without touching the knobs. Plus, a smoking system comes with ten different settings for you to grill.
Besides, the grill has a convenient bottom shelf to store many grilling accessories. Another advantage is the cord wrap handle. This part can protect your hands from high heat.
The Final Comparison Of Camp Chef VS Pit Boss

We find it hard to conclude which one is a better grill – Camp Chef VS Pit Boss. Each of them has its unique features.
Undoubtedly, Camp Chef grills come with excellent modern features allowing you to enjoy the effortless cooking. Despite that fact, Pit Boss is not entirely a loser. This brand offers more budget-friendly options with a more supportive warranty.
For the cooking space, Camp Chef gets a bonus point because of its more compact design compared with Pit Boss. However, Pit Boss grills’ big structure lets you grill with a more significant amount of food.
For Camp Chef VS Pit Boss, we love to choose the Pit Boss grills. The biggest reason is its warranty, a five-year period warranty. We dare to bet that it will encounter any problems in the early years of use. The problems are often from the third year.
It is our opinion, and how about you? What will you choose? Please let us know.